Editorial: Entitlement

1_sd9ZoKdV2l-jTilexJsSRQEvery so often I’ll see or hear of someone complaining about how entitled people are. Typically this is coming from someone of the older generation and is typically directed towards someone of the younger generation. Usually Millenials.

I will be 38 soon. So I’m right in that weird place between Gen X and Millenials. My real life has me working with the general public, and have for the last 20 years. I have worked in places that had me working with people with money. Not necessarily rich people, at least when we think of Rich and Famous type, but definitely people with plenty of money. People who show up in cars worth more then many of us make in a year and who live in areas filled with 1-2 million dollar homes. I have also worked in areas with people who have less money. The area I work in now is plagued with homelessness and much of the local population would be considered below the poverty line. (I am in California and in the Bay Area, we do have a slightly skewed version of the poverty line due to the cost of living.)

Getting back to the entitlements I have seen a general trend of where entitled people tend to reside. Or at the very least who seems to posses a sense of entitlement the most and who has it the least. I will point out I am about to use a lot of generalities. Not everyone in each “group” fits the description as groups are made up of individuals and individuals have the annoying but incredible habit of being different from each other. So please keep this in mind. If you don’t like what I am saying about your particular “group” I’m not saying you are necessarily like that, just that this is where I see it the most.

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